
Minar is an online open discussion forum that meets bi-weekly to host conversations ranging from academic discourse to informal exchanges on issues and topics relevant to the lives and activities of Muslims of India. Minar refers to the towers associated with historic Islamic architecture that acted as vantage points and illuminated guiding lights for communities. Derived from the Arabic word "Manara" meaning lighthouse or beacon, it symbolized progress and direction.

Similarly, the Minar Forum seeks to uphold the light of knowledge, compassion and human fraternity to orient conversations on issues pertaining to Muslims towards deeper understanding, meaningful insight and mutual coexistence between all peoples. Just as the architectural minaret assembled inspiration from diverse styles into a unique new form, this forum aims to synthesize multiperspectival discourse into enlightened perspectives that uphold shared values of humanity transcending identities.

Named to invoke soaring aspirations, yet standing firmly grounded in ethical foundations that support solidarity across differences—that is the vision behind Minar. An open, illuminating gathering place for all who wish to grasp truth through sincere and respectful dialogue. We welcome fresh perspectives to join our gatherings and virtual community!

To stay updated on the latest Minar discussions, events and happenings, as well as connect with our members, be sure to join the WhatsApp community . Click the link to sign up!

Range of Discussions

Conversations can cover secular or religious themes, contemporary challenges or timeless wisdom, academic perspectives or lived experiences. Reflecting the diversity of participants, discussions will draw from popular discourse as well as intellectual and scholarly works.

Rules of Engagement

To enable constructive dialogue, we expect all participants - regardless of background or beliefs - to interact with civility and an open mind. While disagreements may arise, compassion must guide any critique of ideas and actions, not individuals. Moderators reserve the right to remove content or participants that violate basic norms of decency.

What to Expect

Joining the Conversation - Our forum welcomes diverse viewpoints from across academic, religious, cultural, political and socioeconomic spectra. Don't be shy to add your perspective! You can reveal your identity or remain anonymous.

Thoughtful Dialogue - Our discussions go beyond superficial talking points to unpack deeper truths. Be open to having your assumptions challenged and mind broadened through respectful back-and-forth critiques anchored in compassion.

Insights and Learning - Exposure to intellectual analyses, lived experiences, marginalized narratives, and unfamiliar frameworks can lead to personal growth. Let interactions kindle your intellectual curiosity.

Moments of Tension - In our commitment to airing a multiplicity of outlooks, disagreements may naturally arise. But remember that sincerity and patience are antidotes to acrimony.

Surprising Connections - Find common ground with fellow members across apparent divides. Our shared dreams, struggles and humanity transcend surface labels.

Lasting Bonds - Sincere interfaith and intercultural dialogues can melt barriers and nurture meaningful relationships. Carry the torch of friendships forged here into your communities.

a tall building with a clock tower in the background
a tall building with a clock tower in the background

Rules and Policies

  1. Civility and Respect All participants are expected to interact with civility, honesty and respect towards all other members, regardless of backgrounds, beliefs or opinions. Personal attacks, insults, harassment, racism, threats, calls for harm, overly confrontational language etc. will not be tolerated.

  2. Constructive Dialogue While disagreements may arise during discussions, participants must critique ideas and actions with compassion, not attack individuals. Comments should aim to foster greater understanding and thoughtful debate that moves conversations forward.

  3. Inclusiveness In line with Islamic principles of compassion, this forum welcomes diversity of thoughts and perspectives. Discussions must not discriminate against any religion, sect, ethnicity, nationality, gender or background.

  4. Relevance Contributions must make a sincere attempt to further the dialogue and understanding of issues concerning Muslims in South Asia. Comments only meant to side-track or disrupt discussions may be removed.

  5. Privacy While registration requires submission of accurate information, participants can choose to keep their identities anonymous on the forum itself. Personal information of members shall not be shared without their consent.

  6. References and citations are encouraged for all third party data, analysis and quotes used.

  7. Advertising Policy Solicitation of products, services, events or donations are strictly prohibited without prior approval. Approved partners must clearly disclose paid affiliations in their posts.

  8. Moderation To uphold community standards, moderators reserve the right to edit, move or remove any messages, threads, topics or members that violate rules at their sole discretion, without needing to provide explanations.

  9. Changes to Policies As a dynamic forum, policies may be amended to address arising needs. Members will be informed of significant changes made.

By joining and participating in discussions on the forum, you agree to fully abide by these community rules and policies at all times. We hope these enable a safe, fruitful and enlightening dialogue for all.


Q: Who can participate in forum discussions? A: The forum is open to anyone interested in constructive dialogue on issues concerning Muslims in South Asia. All faiths, nationalities, ethnicities, cultural communities and intellectual perspectives are welcome.

Q: Do I need to reveal my real identity to join? A: You can choose to use an alias or real name. But we expect members to provide accurate information when signing up even if displayed identities are anonymous for privacy reasons.

Q: What kind of topics are discussed? A: Conversations can cover social, political, cultural, historical, theological and philosophical themes relevant to the lives of Indian subcontinent Muslims. Both contemporary issues as well as perennial topics are discussed.

Q: Are only academic issues debated or also everyday concerns? A: Discussions encompass high intellectual matters but also ordinary lived realities of common people. The forum makes space for multidimensional perspectives.

Q: Can I suggest or lead a specific discussion? A: Yes, members are encouraged to start threads on issues they feel need examined. You can also request to moderate a chat on a book or paper you have authored.

Q: Are only serious heavylifter exchanges or lighthearted as well? A: While substantive dialogue adding insight is the objective, friendly banter and humor that brings members closer together is most welcome.

Q: How are disagreements handled on this forum? A: Differing views are valued but expected to critique ideas, not persons. Moderators may intervene if discussions turn acrimonious, intolerant, or too tangential.

Q: What are the rules and policies I should know about? A: Read our Rules and Policies page to understand membership conditions around respect, privacy, advertising, copyright etc. in line with community standards.

Q: How often do forum discussions happen? A: Currently, moderated discussions are scheduled every two weeks. This cadence may adjust depending on participation and moderator availability. Spontaneous conversations can continue in between as well.

Q: Who takes part in the discussions? A: We welcome diverse participation - from practicing Muslims to those just curious, academics to laypersons, women and men alike. Often, subject experts are invited to introduce topics through talks and presentations as well.

Q: Is this forum only for Muslims? A: Not at all. While focused on issues concerning Indian subcontinent Muslims, we highly encourage and value participation and friendship with those from all faith, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds.

Q: Is this forum restricted only for men or women? A: Definitely not. Discussions involve and represent perspectives of all genders. We strive to provide a welcoming space for every individual's respectful participation.

Q: What is the format of the group? A: Majlis gatherings take place regularly over Jitisi Meet and include a few key components:

  • Pre-session content: This usually includes sharing articles, book chapters, podcast episodes, videos or other media connected to the discussion topic.

  • Guided dialogue: facilitators introduce discussion questions and help guide the flow of dialogue . Conversations are participatory - we want to hear a diversity of well-considered perspectives and experiences from all attendees.

  • Follow up: After sessions conclude, attendees receive a reading list and supplemental materials